Emily Tucker

My Birth Plan

Emily TuckerComment
The plan I finally finished using the pregnancytoday.com birth plan checklist.

My Wishes for Childbirth - Emily M Tucker

Thank you for attending my birth. These are a few hopes for the outcome of it that I have.

Emily Tucker

  • I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labor.
  • I would like to be able to have fluids by mouth throughout the first stage of labor.
  • I would prefer to keep the number of vaginal exams to a minimum.
  • I do not want an IV unless I become dehydrated.
  • I do not wish to have continuous fetal monitoring unless it is required by the condition of My baby.
  • I do not want an internal monitor unless My baby has shown some sign of distress.
Labor Augmentation/Induction
  • I do not wish to have the amniotic membrane ruptured artificially unless signs of fetal distress require internal monitoring.
  • I would prefer to be allowed to try changing position and other natural methods (walking, nipple stimulation) before Pitocin is administered.
Anesthesia/Pain Medication
  • I realize that many pain medications exist. I'll ask for them if I need them.
  • Unless absolutely necessary, I would like to avoid a Cesarean.
  • If my primary care provider determines that a Cesarean delivery is indicated, I would like to obtain a second opinion from another physician if time allows.
  • I would like My husband present at all times if My baby requires a Cesarean delivery.
  • If My baby is not in distress, My baby should be given to My husband immediately after birth.
  • I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless absolutely required for My baby's safety.
  • I would appreciate guidance in when to push and when to stop pushing so the perineum can stretch.
  • I would like a local anesthetic to repair a tear or an episiotomy.
  • I would like to be allowed to choose the position in which I give birth, including squatting.
  • I would like My husband and/or nurses to support me and my legs as necessary during the pushing stage.
  • I would like to have My baby placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.
Immediately After Delivery
  • I would like to have My husband cut the cord.
  • I would prefer that the umbilical cord stop pulsating before it is cut.
  • I would like to hold My baby while I deliver the placenta and any tissue repairs are made.
  • If My baby must be taken from me to receive medical treatment, My husband or some other person I designate will accompany My baby at all times.
  • I do not want a routine injection of Pitocin after the delivery to aid in expelling the placenta.
  • Other Immediately After Delivery Preference: I do not want a catheter for any reason
  • I would like a private room, if available.
  • I would like to have My baby "room in" and be with me at all times.
  • I plan to breastfeed My baby and would like to begin nursing very shortly after birth.
  • Unless medically necessary, I do not wish to have any bottles given to My baby (including glucose water or plain water).
  • I would like to meet with a lactation consultant.
  • I would like to take still photographs during labor and the birth.

The next thing I plan on working on besides packing our apartment to move... is to make a Labor book inspired by the lovely Kristen of Project: Baby blog. You can see hers here

31 weeks

Emily Tucker2 Comments
  • Weighty Issues: 132 lbs today so right on track for gaining a pound a week till I'm due which is normal. Total gained= 19 lbs

  • Stretch Marks: Still just the one in my bra-region. Think I might have noticed a couple varicose veins showing on my thighs. Yay! not.. good thing is that they should go away after pregnancy.

  • Sleep: Some amazing nights with only getting up to pee once and a couple acid reflux terror nights. So overall better but the acid reflux nights sadly overshadow the good ones.

  • Best Moment this week: Still really thankful knowing that little lady is growing well and being in on a surprise shower that the rest of the managers put together for Patrick. Plus its my birthday!

  • Food: Um I have a slight addiction to McDonald's... but also to Chipotle! and cooking was definitely not a priority this past week. Hoping to work on making some freezer meals next month for when baby comes.

  • Clothes: Um rain is cramping my style a little bit but I'm mainly rocking lounge pants anyways. Still must find perfect dress for shower but did order some comfy clothes for me to wear home from the hospital.

  • Labor signs: None lately unless you count my annoying round ligament pain on my left side.

  • Belly Button: Fully out now

  • What I miss: Nothin' at all

  • What I’m looking forward too: Hair cut today, its been since my wedding since I got it really cut!! Breastfeeding class this Saturday and shower coming up in just a few weeks.. Oh and possibly moving. Really hugely excited about this but really scared about it too because I'm not so good at doing major things like that now.

  • Weekly Wisdom: Still fluids, fluids, fluids. I think they really have helped with my acid reflux.

  • Weekly WTH: Back pain and acid reflux still really bug me and confuse me. Baby girls kicks and other movements are starting to feel different as she runs out of room to move. Sometimes more painful, she definitely squished my bladder and kicked my ribs yesterday.

  • Nesting: Organized stuff to make plans for our move, if I only knew the exact date of when that would be helpful.

  • Milestones:

For more on the development of a 31 week old baby click




Emily Tucker1 Comment

I started as this tiny cute fuzzy thing and soon will be having my own

but today I turn 24...

me through the years

1- Wiggled a lot and decided I don't like eggs

2- Fell in love with maZagines (magazines, if you couldn't figure out baby Emily speak)

3- Then fell in love with McDonald's 

4- Best scissor skills in montessori pre-school

5- Had the coolest kindergarten teacher (we regularly danced to "Wild Thing" in class)

6- Got strep throat, which became pneumonia.. in hospital for a week and out of school for a month

7- Gave up on bike riding and took up roller skating

8-10 - are kinda boring

11- Started middle school and tap dance

12- Had pink dyed hair tips and went to a lot of Blink 182 concerts

13- Was a peer counselor, discovered swing dancing and baby cousin Maya is born

14- Started high school and made a huge mistake

15- Joined Star teaching academy and learned a lot about myself but not enough

16- Dated a guy

17- Found a new dream and became Editor-in-chief of the school yearbook

18- Broke up with the guy and made even worse mistakes 

19- Another mistake that set me on a new path

20- Sometimes a girl doesn't plan on falling in love but she does anyway

21- Wedding planner career underway but then the economy goes bust and then got engaged 

22- Wedding planning for myself now and got married

23- Having fun together and working on careers

24- One and a half years married with our baby almost here

30 weeks

Emily Tucker2 Comments

29 & a half weeks in photo 

Any haircut suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I am in desperate need and am very indecisive.

  • Weighty Issues: I am now weighing in at 131 so total gained is 18 pounds of the 25-35 lbs I can gain. Baby girl is weighing approximately 3 and a half pounds already :)

  • Stretch Marks: No new ones, bwahaha! This makes me so happy lol sorry for the evil laugh if you have them, this was honestly one of the pregnancy things I was most scared of.

  • Sleep: This week has been soooo much better on the sleep front, which basically means my acid reflux/heartburn has improved.

  • Best Moment this week: Today was the best! Last week after our ultrasound we found out that little lady has a SUA (Single Umbilical Artery), which freaked us out a little bit because there can be varied problems with the baby. Our doctor referred us to have a Level 2 ultrasound-to get a better look at all her organs and them functioning properly. We had that ultrasound today and she passed with flying colors! So no more extra ultrasounds or tests are needed at this point, Yay PTL!! Also had our Labor & Delivery tour tonight, it was fun. Not a fan of recovery rooms possibly being 2 occupants, which lamely means that Patrick would have to leave at night if I was sharing a room.

  • Food: Strangely I have given up my normal morning caffeinated tea, not sure why but one day it just started tasting gross to me.. Once again upping my fluid intake, i'm bad at being consistent with this.

  • Clothes: Lots of comfy pants! plus shoes that don't have to be tied. At this point I now have to sit down to put any bottoms and shoes that tie on.

  • Labor signs: A couple Braxton Hicks but none recently and previous ones were only felt as my uterus tightening and no feeling of change in between like regular contractions.

  • Belly Button: Totally out but not poking through my shirts.

  • What I miss: Only salami sandwiches lol!

  • What I’m looking forward too: So much, my next few weeks are gonna be fun! Just between Friends Sale is happening this week and since I'm a first time mom I get in free, no harm in checking out what people have for sale. Next week I have my Breastfeeding class, week after that is my Newborn Care class and then the week after that is my Baby Shower! Um and some cool news- We might be moving :)

  • Weekly Wisdom: Fluids, fluids and more fluids.

  • Weekly WTH: Really bad back/round ligament pain.

  • Nesting: Divided all need to be washed items into warm/cold wash cycles and like colors... Such a Freak! I'm sure if we do end up moving this will incite even more freakish nesting events.

  • Milestones: Just feeling amazed and blessed that in between 8-12 weeks (hopefully not before then) I will have a little baby girl that will solely rely on me :)

For more on the development of a 30 week old baby click



29 weeks

Emily Tucker1 Comment

Actually 25 weeks in these pics

  • Weighty Issues: 128 even today, 15 lbs gained. I have been walking more and feel more fit this week-definitely all belly now.

  • Stretch Marks: Nothing new. 

  • Sleep: Getting more and more difficult... heartburn has ravaged any good sleep I could have had.  

  • Best Moment this week: 

  • Food: I've been cooking a lot!! Some super yummy things too! Chicken anything is on top of my yum list plus strawberries. 

  • Clothes: Comfy.. since I don't have to dress up for work everyday there are lots of sweat and yoga pant combos going on. Sundays are my main dress up day lol. 

  • Labor signs: Had a few more Braxton Hicks yesterday, they seem to happen when I do a lot of tasks w/out breaks in between. So now I am trying to be more conscious of sitting down after I do something. 

  • Belly Button: Fully out but thankfully not visible through my shirts. 

  • What I miss: Heartburn free sleep, I can deal with getting up to pee but the heartburn burns so bad that I almost feel like throwing up.. 

  • What I’m looking forward too: Ultrasound on Thursday, finishing up organizing our place before bebe comes and my baby shower happening in about 5 weeks :)

  • Weekly Wisdom: Get stuff done but rest.. 

  • Weekly WTH: This heartburn is killing me, another time being taller might help. Since I'm short there really isn't much room for my stomach or esophagus anymore, maybe I'll get some relief when baby girl drops. 

  • Nesting: Mr.Clean Magic Erasered walls yesterday, bedroom area is almost done being organized waiting on Ikea bookcase/storage thing and rocker, started cleaning out trunk of hubs car which will be more mine when baby is here-need to make room for stroller and car seat to be put in, stocked up on some pantry items, family clothes/storage closet is almost done- just need closet extender and started setting up my new crafts/office area.

  • Closet organization project :)

  • Milestones: Baby is now weighing about the same as a butternut squash (approx. 2.5 lbs) and about 15 inches in length, head to heel. 

  • For more on the development of a 29 week old baby clickHERE.

  • french lentils

    Emily Tucker1 Comment

    1 cup of french lentils (sometimes called green lentils)

    1/2 an onion, finely diced

    1/2 cup of baby carrots, cut on the diagonal

    1 tsp of dried thyme

    dash of cumin powder

    3 Tbsp of butter




    (I added in some cauliflower too but it is optional)

    -Rinse lentils (sometimes there are little rocks in them, remove these). Add lentils, onion, carrots, thyme and cumin into a large saucepan. Cover with water about 2 inches above lentils. Bring lentils to a boil and then simmer 12-20 min covered. Lentils are done when soaked on inside but not mushy.

    -Drain any remaining liquid from lentils. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add in butter and coat lentils.

    Dish can be served warm or cold. Delicious with buttered toast and is a great main dish for Meatless Mondays, as a side dish or on top of salad.

    I just love this type of lentil it has a lot more flavor than other lentils and can be paired with so many different dishes. Also a really great source of Iron!