29 & a half weeks in photo
Any haircut suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I am in desperate need and am very indecisive.
Weighty Issues: I am now weighing in at 131 so total gained is 18 pounds of the 25-35 lbs I can gain. Baby girl is weighing approximately 3 and a half pounds already :)
Stretch Marks: No new ones, bwahaha! This makes me so happy lol sorry for the evil laugh if you have them, this was honestly one of the pregnancy things I was most scared of.
Sleep: This week has been soooo much better on the sleep front, which basically means my acid reflux/heartburn has improved.
Best Moment this week: Today was the best! Last week after our ultrasound we found out that little lady has a SUA (Single Umbilical Artery), which freaked us out a little bit because there can be varied problems with the baby. Our doctor referred us to have a Level 2 ultrasound-to get a better look at all her organs and them functioning properly. We had that ultrasound today and she passed with flying colors! So no more extra ultrasounds or tests are needed at this point, Yay PTL!! Also had our Labor & Delivery tour tonight, it was fun. Not a fan of recovery rooms possibly being 2 occupants, which lamely means that Patrick would have to leave at night if I was sharing a room.
Food: Strangely I have given up my normal morning caffeinated tea, not sure why but one day it just started tasting gross to me.. Once again upping my fluid intake, i'm bad at being consistent with this.
Clothes: Lots of comfy pants! plus shoes that don't have to be tied. At this point I now have to sit down to put any bottoms and shoes that tie on.
Labor signs: A couple Braxton Hicks but none recently and previous ones were only felt as my uterus tightening and no feeling of change in between like regular contractions.
Belly Button: Totally out but not poking through my shirts.
What I miss: Only salami sandwiches lol!
What I’m looking forward too: So much, my next few weeks are gonna be fun! Just between Friends Sale is happening this week and since I'm a first time mom I get in free, no harm in checking out what people have for sale. Next week I have my Breastfeeding class, week after that is my Newborn Care class and then the week after that is my Baby Shower! Um and some cool news- We might be moving :)
Weekly Wisdom: Fluids, fluids and more fluids.
Weekly WTH: Really bad back/round ligament pain.
Nesting: Divided all need to be washed items into warm/cold wash cycles and like colors... Such a Freak! I'm sure if we do end up moving this will incite even more freakish nesting events.
Milestones: Just feeling amazed and blessed that in between 8-12 weeks (hopefully not before then) I will have a little baby girl that will solely rely on me :)
For more on the development of a 30 week old baby click