Emily Tucker


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My hot day rescue
Today's estimated high in Burlingame: 102 degrees f.
I know we didn't have a hot summer but I was accepting it plus when you work with 2 huge heat-radiating espresso machines you feel summery heat enough ;)
I was looking forward to fall when we had a slightly damp day last week now we are expecting mid- 70's next week boo!
Its just too balmy, can I get some dry heat please or some rain...


sorry summer lovers I heart my beloved fall


Emily Tucker3 Comments
Announcement: Today is National Waffle Day!

Waffles are slightly amazing if you didn't know. You can top them, fill them and mix stuff in their batter. They come in all shapes, sizes and thicknesses. Tasty in sweet and savory combinations. There are even healthy waffle options :)

Some of my waffle faves:
-Bacon waffles from BayWatch in San Mateo
-Fried Chicken & waffles, super delicious w/ honey on them
-Steiger Dutch waffles
-Hello Kitty waffles made w/ Kim's waffle iron
Hello Kitty Waffle Maker Iron
I might have to buy it myself


p.s. I love waffles

bored but so much to do ;)

Emily Tucker2 Comments

Name: Emily Marie (Jaquith) Tucker
Nicknames: emj, emmers, emilia (what they call me at work sometimes) and emily train (my boss calls me this, as in emily the train on thomas and friends, he has a 3 yr old son)
Hometown: Berkeley, California
Currently in: Burlingame, California
Childhood ambition: Pastry chef or fashion designer
Favorite color: Turquoise

Favorite song: that is ridiculously hard to choose but lately at work they have been playing Joni Mitchell's "A Case of You" and I love that song
Guilty pleasure: McDonalds fries and double cheeseburgers, so bad but so good. I've been really good at only having them every 4-6 weeks
Something I don't admit very often: I can feel insecure about my relationships with people and I'm kinda shy until you get to know me
who are some of your favorite artists:  andy warhol, roy lichtenstein, frida kahlo
Current obsession: getting rid of things and um babies (I'm such a creep, but they are soo cute) 

Favorite blogs/sites for inspiration I heart Elsie Flannigan, Rachel Denbow, Leigh ann from Freckled Nest, Ohdeedoh and a whole bunch more


Emily Tucker1 Comment
I just signed up for this online sewing class- Home Ec and I am super excited! Its geared more toward beginners, which I am not but I'm definitely somewhere in between. Plus I need to learn to use my new beautiful sewing machine that I received for my birthday.

So check out the class if you're interested in taking it with me

How could I?

Emily TuckerComment
Rollerblade Spiritblade XT Women's Skate (Size- 10)
Me. How could I? One who hasn't regularly worked out in lets just say a long time, rollerblade from my house all the way to my work, approximately 4 and 1/4 miles. Walking 3 miles the day before made me encouraged to try another task. Definitely wouldn't have been able to accomplish this without my Creator who kept me safe and strong through it all. I prayed a couple times during my journey to keep me safe from harm(creeps and hurting myself or being hit by a car).

I wasn't even sure I could do this. I thought I would have to switch to walking midway or maybe even right away. However it now became something I wanted to do to prove to myself and my husband, that yes I could do this and if you must know, I'm not new to blading/skating. I started skating at age 6 or 7 and switched to blading at age 10 and kinda did it almost everyday until about age 12 and only randomly since then. So I would say I am good at skating but I have almost no street skating experience. I've kept to my neighborhood and rinks till now and sadly there were 2 things most definitely against me in process of accomplishing my goal, one being the horrible sidewalks in Burlingame and 2 the crappy roads in San Mateo. Also there was one frightening downhill part that thankfully there was a pole for me to stop myself with, my only slight near death experience in a long time.

At the end of it I was so overjoyed and yes a bit proud of myself. I was also saddened to not see more people on bike/skates/board or any other sort of transportation other than car or bus. Growing up on the East Bay this was common even in my little village of San Lorenzo(it is technically a village, not a town, strange right) which is not the most forward thinking place. I was born and raised in Berkeley till age 5 so I have a few earth saving tendencies :) . This isn't really like that though because not only does traveling in this way help cut down on gas and the harm it does but its also about enjoying our city in a new way and just being outdoors which is great for us. I plan on doing this more when I can and I encourage you to as well!


p.s. my blades are not as cool as those :( but they are the same brand


Emily TuckerComment
The Blind Side
The Hubs and I love watching movie and have our own personal collection of favorites, somewhere around 125-150. We also have Netflix and watch a lot of movies with that, ones sent to us and online. We occasionally even go to a RedBox and rent one there because we are desperate for something new.

So last Thursday we actually both had the day off from work so of course we watched 2 new movies.

First: The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock. I personally love true story movies and this is a heartfelt one and definitely encourages me as a Christian to offer myself up to God as his servant more. A great watch for the family I would definitely recommend this to anyone. Rated: PG-13 (there is a fight and references to drugs), My Rating: 5 Stars

Second: Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law and Rachel McAdams. Strangely I am a girl that actually enjoys action as long as there is a storyline. This was fabulously done, the characters are  a more realistic version of Holmes and Watson, not stuffy old British men as they seem in other movie versions but more raucous and still very intelligent. I thoroughly enjoy almost all of Downey's films as he   is a very strong actor and never fails in his roles. This was a very different part for McAdams but I can see why she wanted to play it, its much more fun and opposite her other roles in past. Maybe not best suited for the under 10 year old range due to its references to the occult (shown to be false so possibly a learning experience)and some swear words. Guy Ritchie has scored again, hopefully they can do a  sequel well. Rated: PG-13, My Rating: 4 stars