Emily Tucker

My Mission Statement

Emily Tucker1 Comment
I came across a blog post recently that intrigued me. You can read it here. It made me think... am I fulfilling my roles well or even decent? Well no, not really. Then what the heck am I doing? I come to this question often, too often to be honest. I've written about this before, I'm lazy sorta. I don't know how to put this fully but its more like I'm not motivated because of all the things I have to do that I don't want to do (i.e. work out of the home) but I'm not even sure if stopping that would help. I feel this mission statement will help me and guide me to my best me. That sounds very Best Life Now but I promise its not...

Step 1: List Your Roles

-Business Owner(Stella&Dot Stylist)
-Homekeeper(couldn't decide what term I wanted to use)

I'm sure there are more..

Step 2: Prioritize Your Roles

1. Christian
2. Wife
3. Homekeeper
4. Business Owner
5. Blogger
6. Employee

I originally when first writing this out in my notebook put employee before blogger but now I feel its more important to me.

Step 3: Simplifying Our Roles

This is where it becomes hard.

Now its down to Christian, Wife and Homekeeper. Which is okay.. These are huge roles that I think I suck at lately.

Step 4: Dream

I used to be such a dreamer but a lot of my dreams failed so I became a realist. Well in actuality by dreams just changed dramatically, from career woman/mom to SAHM. Which at times makes me sad a little but not because I know my greater joy in the future will be raising children and saving my family as much money as I can :) but it also effects me in switching jobs often as I am over critical of the people around me at work and become too affected by how I am treated. In case you all were wondering that there ya go, which my crazy brain always thinks people judge me on my job situations. So my shift to wanting to be a SAHM has made me also more critical of people that don't want that and are super career focused, this is not a dig on anyone in particular just at how much feminism has crept into the church. Sorry if that was too honest but thats how my brain works not that its a good thing because its judgement and judgement is just my own pride of thinking my way is better and why can't everyone want what I want lol. We humans are so silly..

Onto what I do dream.. As a Christian I want to be known as someone thats an open book about their faith and knowledgeable in the right ways (memorized scripture, mentoring women, etc.) but not overly knowledgeable to protect from being prideful and also as a servant for the Lord by serving my church and the people in my life. As a Wife I want encourage, honor and follow my Husband fully and faithfully. As a Homekeeper I want to make my home a place of enjoyment, laughter, warmth, cleanliness honoring God, learning, and showing the best use of our resources(using our money properly).

Step 5: Creating My Mission Statement

To pursue Jesus faithfully and surrender my all to Him, so that I can be a vessel for Him.
To honor Patrick through encouragement, submission and love.
To create a welcoming home that honors God and our resources.


I plan to pray through these roles and my mission statement daily. Hopefully this has inspired you to do this to. I am interested in reading yours as well so link to yours in a comment :)

This was very fun to write about.. look for more posts like this to come. Now I have to get ready for my non-fun work.
p.s. its not really non-fun its just the anticipation of it that I can't stand.


2 more down

Emily TuckerComment

Just finished this book over the weekend and am very glad that I have read it. As I said before it is a great program to get you on the track to having a clean and decluttered home.

and just now finished this book its a YA 9-13 yr. old read but its cute cover caught my eye at Barnes&Noble and I knew I had to read it. Thats right I do judge some books by their cover lol. Sometimes its fun to read YA books (twilight... harry potter.. sisterhood of the traveling pants, etc..) I usually only read more science fiction type ones but I cannot resist tea themed things especially since my re-ignited extreme love of tea. Oh and YA books are really easy to read, I mean not to brag or anything but I read this in 4 days and with my goal of 100 books this year which is daunting I need a few books like this on my list.


p.s. I do have a list of all the books I am planning to read this year but I have added and subtracted here and there to include books I see or hear about and want to add, like in the case of The Teashop Girls. There are actually 10 categories, 10 books in each category. This is called 10/10/10 or 10 categories, 10 books, in 2010. I will put up the list in my next post.

reading count 4 out of 100, 96 to go, 2 in progress

a request

Emily TuckerComment

for blogging eh.. I really can't stand that I can't even come close to keeping up with doing this at least weekly but hey monthly is a little better. I must admit I'm one for excuses, which I can't stand and am constantly working on this issue so I won't give you any excuse for why I can't do this. A lot has been on my mind and plate lately..(and yes that could possibly be an excuse) This might just end up being a post of complete ramblings just to warn you.

things I have been doing and thinking about

-work is still not exactly easy for me. I am better but I wish I could have progressed more than I have at this point and I basically feel like I've hit a wall. I had one day where I was on fire and it was awesome!
-cleaning is an up point for me right now at least. I re-created routines (I had ones for my moms old house but needed new ones for our apt.) and have almost finished reading Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley, I already followed her online program called Flylady. It is the best cleaning and de-cluttering plan out there because anyone can do it not just SAHMs but working ones too.
-however of course when cleaning goes up cooking goes down but now getting back to it again too. Hopefully soon I will start posting some pics and recipes for my own creations and new recipes I try.
-I started taking vitamins and am very excited about it lol only because I've actually remembered to take them and haven't despised it like I used too.
-Also good news I'm actually eating breakfast regularly. This normally consists of flavored yogurt and peanut butter toast. Oh and I switched from my normal coffee to tea. I get enough coffee at work, usually half-caf though.
-Something strange that I love.. taking Bart to see my mom I get so much reading accomplished on there and feel so relaxed I love it.
-I bought a new workout dvd (denise austins yoga body burn) and have done it the past 2 days. Its extremely calming and body toning at the same time definitely what I need right now in a workout.


book list

Emily TuckerComment

the past year and this year I have made a list of books I want to read. my list is slightly unrealistic but and I was nowhere near accomplishing it. I feel like I might be able to do better at it this year though. oh yeah you might be wondering how many books are on this list... well there are 100. crazy I know

2 down, 98 more to go


2010 Goals

Emily TuckerComment

This years resolutions/goals are... a lot of the same ones as last year.

-Cleaning plan: This will probably always be a work in progress but I try..

-Menu plans: Once life gets a little more relaxed this should actually be achievable. Also trying to eat healthier in general but homemade is always better.

-Scrapbooking: free time for crafting again, yay!

-workout 3x a week: I need to get back to doing this.

-work on my business ideas now that I have more time

its amazing

Emily TuckerComment

How life passes by and you forget the thing you wanted to do

Update of last years resolutions..

-Waking up early: this has worked out very well since the jobs I have worked have all been early jobs.

-Cleaning plan: still not where I want it to be yet but I am at least keeping up for the most part. It is a lot easier keeping up my own house than the one I lived at with my Mom and our room mate. Still no dishwasher lol.. but dishes aren't as annoying now.

-Menu plans: also not where I want them to be but I am planning a little bit more in advance but we've been so busy with holiday stuff and hanging with friends we are barely at home..

-Scrapbooking: def took a backseat

-Take Pictures: there has been more of that

-workout 3x a week: I was good on this off and on throughout the first half of the year

2010 goals will be posted later today
