1. Blogging is a simple way to express myself and keep track of went on in my life .
2. A current fashion trend I wish I was brave enough to wear is a lace dress or shirt .
3. My greatest accomplishment in life thus far is __I don't really feel I can claim anything as my accomplishment, its only through Christ that I get anything done plus I don't think anything I've done is that great__ .
4. If I had to choose between a mountain or a beach vacation I'd choose ooh hard to decide I might have to say mountain because I prefer non-humid weather .
5. A talent I wish I had is not being scared to speak to and in front of people .
6. A talent I do have is makeup and throwing stuff together to make a meal .
7. This week is surprisingly good but not looking forward to tomorrow if I can't get my shift covered, since
I've never closed and don't know how and don't want to know .