Weighty Issues: 123 this week, on track holla! so happy to be gaining right and not gaining too much. This tool on babycenter.com is so helpful in tracking my gain.
Stretch Marks: none :) sorry its genetic
Sleep: sleeping has been good and bad, probably better with daylight savings. Except last night I had sweet tea a little too late and on a nesting high so it kept me up.
Best Moment this week: We found out that we are having a little girl!! I am so happy to know that our baby looks healthy and happy and that I know what she is now.
Food: Really want some spicy chicken from Tapioca Express or chicken wings from Wing Stop.. I have issues!
Clothes: Maternity plus some regular jackets and cardigans
Belly Button: Almost completely flat
What I miss: Nothing other than regular energy...
What I’m looking forward too: Receiving the hair bows I just ordered for the little lady! Still looking for a new place.. so no nursery yet :( I have decided to stick with my unisex theme though and just add in touches of girl.
Weekly Wisdom: Working out feels good! yay! I finally worked out this week and can't wait to do more.
Weekly WTH: So done with this junky weather, can we please have pretty skies so I can wear sundresses!
Nesting: Tossed a bunch of stuff to add to our garage sale this weekend. Will hopefully add more :)
Milestones: She is the size of a Papaya now
For more on the development of a 22 week baby clickHERE.