Emily Tucker

weekly wrap-up

GoalsEmily TuckerComment

this week:

it was pretty good but with normal ups & downs. Lets just say I was really ready for spring break. Lilah is getting her 5th and 6th teeth and is a big grump, which has interrupted our normal routine. we had a very relaxed and mostly enjoyable spring break. best part was getting my hair done. we also had a memorial for Patrick's great aunt Ruth who passed in December at 100 yrs old, it was relaxed and nice to celebrate the life of such a tenacious & kind woman. 



exercise daily - 30 min

write monthly blog content calendar 

15 min daily decluttering/purging

finish powersheets prep

meal plan breakfasts & lunches - i've noticed that i'm more unprepared in these areas lately

work on Lilah's nap schedule



The Life Giving Home - 1 chapter a day

Chasing Slow - 1 chapter a day



listen to podcasts while washing dishes



present. i'm struggling with being present and not thinking about all i have to do lately. i am in a bit of a overwhelmed rut, where i feel like i'm taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back with everything. i'm really proud of how i am progressing but with lots of change happening this year i really want to be on top of things more. part of the problem is that i'm really anxious about our move this summer.



creamy white chicken chili

chili dog tacos w/roasted potatoes & cauliflower

chicken parmesan w/ pasta & broccoli 

potstickers w/ rice & stir-fry veggies