Hayden's First Birthday Party: Part 2
1 CommentWaffle sticks: cinnamon apple & jalapeno cheddar, Caramel dipping sauce, Veggies + ranch, PB/Apple butter sandwiches, Pretzels, Turkey Club wraps, Peanut Butter dip, Fruit to dip, Cole slaw, Italian Pasta salad, Baked Mac & Cheese Bites, Dwarf Dogs (mini corn dogs) and Caramel Apple cupcakes
Peanut butter dip & PB/Apple butter sandwiches
Almost all the food I was able to prep the night before plus some help from my sister-in-law.
Part 3 coming later this week...
-xo emily
Hayden's First Birthday Party: Part 1
2 CommentsReal shtuff
4 CommentsHayden - 1 year
3 CommentsI haven't posted a Hayden update in 2 months and if you've been wondering why... It's because I'm in denial that she is now a 1 year old today!
I am in love with being your mommy and watching you grow a little bit everyday.
You make me smile and laugh consistently, as like daddy you can be quite the silly one.
Your grumpy face makes me giggle, sorry if you are trying to get sympathy.
Your littleness has taught me to be a mommy, also sorry for the many things I screw up on daily.
My little lady I am so proud of how strong you already are in many things: walking, talking, signing & a really good eater.
Here's to hoping all other Tucker babies will be as easy as you have been!
Love, Mama
Hello big one year old!
Amen for the R,W & B
8 CommentsPerfect timing Olympic themed diapers?!
nail polish is a winner
Our local candy store had a whole table that was American themed
First step: we must get fiercely clean to celebrate our country
2nd step: Two BBQ's make momma happy - Hot dogs for everyone!!
Third step: Head to our closest fireworks show
Hope your 4th was as fun as ours!
-xo emily
Link up your 4th of July festivities here: