Emily Tucker

Hayden - 9 mos

Emily TuckerComment

You are more and more a little person but less and less a little baby. Its so exciting to watch you grow  and learn but I miss the tinyness that you were. 

Things you like
  • Other babies and kids, especially new baby Abi!
  • Tickles 
  • Practicing walking with Mama
  • Playing in your mini Pack'n'Play 
  • Watching Blues Clues 
  • Food: basically anything I allow you to eat but especially guacamole
  • Shoes and Jewelry. You are definitely a girl!
  • Going on walks 
  • Going to the park
  • Spending time with your Gramma's 
Things you're doing 
  • Getting into everything! 
  • Clapping 
  • Trying to walk
  • Cruising more
  • Trying to stand on your own
  • Saying: Dada all the time & Mama sometimes
Things you don't like
  • When I take something away from you
  • Putting on sunscreen
  • Diaper & clothing changes, you used to be really good at them and now not so much
  • Teething

-xo emily


Emily Tucker2 Comments

As promised, homemade soft pretzels simplified! Just a week late...


1 1/2 cups water, at room temperature
3 3/4 teaspoons active dry yeast
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
3 3/4 cups of flour
1 3/4 teaspoons of salt

olive oil, for spraying the pretzels

2 quarts of water
3 tablespoons baking soda
1 large egg yolk mixed with 2 teaspoons water, for the glaze
kosher/coarse salt, sesame, poppy seeds or cinnamon sugar, for topping

  1. To make the dough, pour water into bread maker. Sprinkle in yeast and let sit for approximately 5 minutes, while yeast activates. Add in butter, flour and salt. 
  2. Set bread maker to dough setting and start. Dough will rise in bread maker.
  3. Place dough on lightly floured surface and divide into 14 equal portions. On an un-floured surface, roll each dough piece out to form a 16-inch-long rope. Set aside and cover with plastic wrap. Let dough sit for 5 minutes.
  4. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or a Silpat. Starting with first rope rolled, re-roll each rope into a 16-inch rope and twist into a pretzel: Cross ends of rope and twist together. Shape into pretzel and attach ends to rounded bottom securely. Place on prepared sheet. Repeat with the remaining pretzels and let stand for about 10 minutes, until they look puffy.
  5. Spray pretzels lightly with olive oil mister. Bake or freeze. 
  6. Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees F. Combine the water and baking soda in a large pot and bring to boil over high heat. Mix egg glaze.
  7. Place a few pretzels at a time in boiling water, 30 seconds per side. Remove and place on baking sheet approximately 1 inch apart. Lightly brush pretzels with the egg glaze. Sprinkle with topping of your choice.
  8. Bake until pretzels are puffed and browned, about 15 minutes. Cool on wire rack. 
  9. Devour by themselves or with dip of your choice!

-xo Emily

Recipe modified from The Baker's Dozen Cookbook


Emily Tucker3 Comments
I am shocked by who I am becoming... A runner?!

How I am doing this? I have asthma.

I'm not supposed to be able to do this or want to do this and where the heck did I get the idea to do this?!

It's weird but I think it all started with workout gear..

These things to be exact, with them being so pretty and durable,  just telling me they needed to be used to their full extent. Oh Lululemon you have gotten me addicted to your fantastically designed, beautiful workout gear.

So I decided to start the Couch to 5k training plan and have goaled myself to run a half marathon in January. To be honest: I'm completely frightened but if I can go through 31 hours of labor... I suppose I can go through anything, maybe?

xo- emily

Happy April

Emily TuckerComment

Hey its April! How did that happen?

Check out that cute computer background 

What's up?

-Unfortunately its been a little slow around here (in blogger-land) but hopefully thats due to it being really busy (in real life). Also I've been taking a lot of thoughtful thinking time about the direction and content of  this little blog & shop.

-I have an almost 9 month old :( and only 3 months to plan a fabulous 1st birthday par-tay.. Theme decided and a few details too but its time to get workin'. She's getting too big and less baby-like!

-Church Garage & Bake sale and Homeschool conference all in one day- should be interesting to see how I juggle that one ;)

-April 28th I'm hosting an (in)RL meet-up at our home and I'm super excited to fellowship, watch the speakers, snack and party with new and old friends. 

Busy month but lots of fun ahead!

xo- emily

Blueberry Mug Cakes

Emily Tucker2 Comments

Simple was key for this week though as Hayden and I are prepping to go away for the weekend. 

Makes 2 mug-cakes


2 tablespoons butter, softened

2 eggs

2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

5 tablespoons granulated sugar

1 tablespoon honey

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 cup of blueberries (I used frozen)

Powdered sugar for dusting


In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients (except blueberries and powdered sugar) and whisk until batter is smooth. 

Gently fold in blueberries.

Pour batter into mugs, making sure that there is enough room for them to rise, they double in height. 

I used our largest mugs (approx. 16 oz/grande size).

Microwave on high for 90 seconds to 2 minutes, or until done. Microwave cooking times can vary widely, it is best to watch the cooking process. It could be done in 60 seconds. 

Let cakes cool and top with honey or dusting of powdered sugar. 
