Emily Tucker

January 2012

Emily TuckerComment

Cute desktop background from

wild olive

I literally almost typed 2011... 

I'm so excited!! why? Well because January is my second favorite month! 


Remember, I love a fresh start

Its my motivation to clean/organize/plan

Goals for 2012:

-Menu plan

: Its been hard for me to get this down. Since our schedule is far from normal and needs to be kept loose since things tend to suddenly come up. I really only need to plan 4-5 dinners a week but I need to plan breakfast and lunch because I tend to forget/neglect to feed myself. 

-Project Life

: I'm still figuring out what this will look like for us.. Most likely it will be a weekly collection of photos and journaling and not necessarily a picture a day cause lets face it some days are just boring. I've started my title page and am working on organizing my supplies today. I'm hoping to post my pages weekly so you can see our week in review as well. 


: We got a lot done on our apartment before and the first few weeks after Hayden was born while Patrick was home but now its time to fine-tune everything. I wrote out a list of all the little projects I have in my head to do this year and have already completed a couple! 


: I am working on adding new product and trying to streamline the way I make and list product. I would also love to try doing a craft fair this year too!


: First off its been super dull around here... I need to get back to posting about Hayden.. and I also want to really find my strengths and focus my writing and projects toward those. 

What are your favorite topics or posts I've written over the past year?

Hayden - 4 months

Emily Tucker3 Comments

The littlest zebra of all

Baby girl is 4 months... Everyday I feel like she is less baby and more little girl and she is still so young but so much older. We are loving her non-stop smiles and giggles and sometimes she even snorts. Little goober baby! At her 4 month well check she weighed in at 15 pounds (about 78 percentile) and is in the 25th percentile for head circumference and height.

She also fit perfect in the box our fruit snacks come in

-Hayden is very vocal and loves to giggle!
-Has rolled over from back to front a couple times but I don't think she cares to roll much
-Loves playing on her play mat or in her high chair
-Now gets carried in the sling facing front in a kangaroo carry position and loves looking out
-We also upgraded the stroller from the bassinet to the regular seat
-Is finally starting to enjoy taking baths, especially ones with mama
-I feel like she is on the brink of sitting up almost all on her own
-Went up a snap size in her Flip diapers
-Still mostly bald and eyes are still blue!

My little model with her grump face on

and whoever said girls couldn't like comic books and Spiderman is seriously wrong!

silly girl

Emily Tucker2 Comments

i'm weird because:

i don't eat eggs and rarely eat mayo and think cheese on veggies and fish is a bad idea

i know the words to wayyyy too many songs

i put garlic powder on grilled cheese sandwiches

i want a big family

i plan on homeschooling our kids

i have exercise induced asthma and slow eyes (no joke I am prescribed to do exercises to strengthen them)

i love to label things

i pull out loose hair

i don't like ketchup on fries or burgers

i'm not a cuddler

i love a good cry

i never use top sheets, i take them to the goodwill

i've known how to use chopsticks since age 6

i won't usually buy clothing items unless they are 50% off or more

i've decided not to do santa

i hate making lunch

i'm a bad friend because:

i hate talking on the phone

i am the worst at writing thank you cards and when i do write them i forget to give them to people

i get really insecure sometimes and have been known to read into something that i shouldn't have

i wear my heart on my sleeve and it sometimes gets bruised

i am too blunt sometimes 

i'm a good friend because:

i will answer a text or email asap

i go with the flow and am up for almost anything

i am very, very loyal

when i trust you, i 


 trust you. and when i love you, i 


 love you

i like to have a really good conversation

i am honest and you can ask me anything

i love to spoil their kids and them ;)

i'm sad because:

i always feel like i'm or its never enough

i miss my family everyday

i dwell on little annoyances

i'm happy because:

we are going to my aunt's on Christmas!!! 

i love this season

Hayden takes better naps now that she has a routine

i'm excited for:

Christmas decorating 

the Spitzer's coming to town

crafts & crap - winter edition coming soon

Bluum Box 2

Emily TuckerComment
I received -October's Bluum box: Girl Talk- a couple weeks ago but have just finally gotten round to trying my products. This month they are super fab and still a few more to try. 

1. Baby Symbolizer App- I'm lazy and you have to email them to get a redemption code and I am hesitant to bother anyways since Hayden would just eat and drool on my iPhone... Cool idea though.
2. Dr.Robin Shampoo/Body Wash and Sunscreen Samples- Also have not tried these yet.. I don't think Hayden really needs sunscreen at the moment but I will definitely try the body wash during her bath today.
3. Baby Gourmet Juicy Pear & Garden Greens- Hayden isn't eating solids yet but I 'm planning to  start her on them next month since someone is getting her highchair for Christmas. I have given her tastes of things though and I'm thinking she would probably like this as long as its more pear-y.
4. Strivectin-SD- I don't know any girl that wouldn't want a sample of Strivectin. A modern miracle worker for wrinkles and stretch marks. I've used it only around my eyes and forehead wrinkles at night for the last 3 days so far (they suggest morning and night) and I think it is tightening a bit. It has a light tingle/cooling feeling when you put it on, which I love. The only problem is if I end up liking it - a 5 oz tube is $135 bucks!
5. Super cute bonus magnet- bees are kind of Hayden's theme for her decor, so I love this. I can't wait till she is big enough to play with magnets on the fridge.
6. CJ's Butter- I heard about CJ's Butter a few months ago through a cloth diapering board and have wanted to try it but already have a couple diaper creams. I received their Toasted Almond & Cherry Blossom scent and seriously if I didn't know better I would eat it because it is so delicious smelling! Not only does it smell amazing, it is super soft and glides on providing a nice barrier for little one's bum and seems to heal a rash almost instantly. I will definitely be using CJ's Butter from now on and I can't wait to try some of their other scents (some faves: blueberry crumble, coconut lime dream, honeyed patchouli and warm vanilla cake) and supposedly its good for dry skin, eczema and can even be used as leave-in conditioner too.

Hope everyone is having a good month, its been crazy busy for us and about to get crazier but all in good fun!

Grand Opening

Emily Tucker2 Comments
Oh hey - I finally got around to taking pics of product!! I'm excited! if you couldn't tell...

This little lady made a great model


Schmancy Pretties!

Basic Pretties!

Check the bitties out by clicking the shop above

p.s. Someone now likes her thumb